Our hearts were filled with many blessings as these children sang praises to God! And I'm sure there are two budding choir directors in their midst, getting a very early start to their careers!! I was reminded of the Scripture passage, "Train up a child in the ways of the Lord, and s/he will not stray from it." (Proverbs 22:6)
The morning "preacher" was a 15-year-old whose name is "Gifted," and who, I'm told, has been preaching since the age of 10!! He took the microphone and came right down in front with no notes or outline, and preached for at least 30 minutes! His Scripture passage was Matt. 24:23, and he spoke with great authority about the many illnesses we suffer from ~~ lying, not paying school fees, asthma, high blood pressure, and lack of faith in Jesus Christ. There were numerous references to Satan and the work of the Devil. At one point he asked all those who were suffering from such illnesses to come forward ~~ the whole chancel area was full! Then the Praise The Lord choir sang as we all prayed for them and for ourselves in our own languages! A very moving experience!
Following worship the children and their housemothers were given baloney sandwiches and tea, and then taken on a tour of the campus. It wasn't yet time for lunch, so they entertained themselves by rolling in the grass, running at top speed up and down the hills, and generally being kids having a grand time!!!
The "Fairfield Buddies" group on campus (think Big Brothers, Big Sisters) helped entertain them after lunch until it was time to go to the soccer field, where they participated in a competition with members of several soccer teams on campus!!! I know these children will all sleep well tonight!!!
Thank you God for children, who trust that you will take care of them. And thank you for their "mothers" who help them understand their role in the "family," and who let them know they are loved. Perhaps there is a future president among them!!!
I am hoping to post a short video with this so you can experience for yourselves these delightful children!! They bring us so much joy, and remind us that we are ALL children of God!!
"Dare to Love Completely" is a wonderful book by Janine Roberts, about her own journey and experiences with the children at the orphanage and their caregivers. It is available on amazon.com, or from CornerStone International, PO Box 192, Wilmore, KY 40390. If you want to know what it was like in the early 2000s when AIDS was still so rampant here, this is a must read ~~ you will laugh, you will cry, and you may even ask, "where is God in the midst of all this?"
Janine tells of weekly visits to the huts of dear friends on the farms situated near the Old Mutare Mission ...at that time these large farms were operated by white Zimbabwean farmers, who provided land for their workers. These visits were to offer prayer and friendship, and also a connection to health care as needed, and sometimes food and clothing. Most of these farms have since been taken over by the government, who chased the white "colonial" farmers away, divided up the land into about 6 acre plots and gave it to the black Zimbabweans. Unfortunately, most of these "farmers" have no means of "farming" even a small plot of land to support their families. Janine and other health care workers are no longer welcome, so there is no way to gage what is happening with malaria or HIV/AIDS.You might also like to explore www.hopeofzim.blogspot.com.
The Director of the Health Clinic here at AU says that a lot of education has taken place around HIV and AIDS, so the incidents have dropped considerably. AND, anti-viral drugs are now available to those who are infected ~~ FREE.
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