I am eating very healthily here because there are so many fresh fruits and vegetables readily available! Every day I walk past beautiful gardens in front of most of the staff homes in Staff Housing. They may have orange, banana, guava, mango and other native fruit trees, as well as many different kinds of vegetables ~~ green beans, kale, cabbage, carrots, onions, beets, corn, butternut squash, rake, peas, sweet potatoes (different from our yams), and regular potatoes!!! I'm sure I've left some out, but you get the picture!!!
This is one of the most elaborate vegetable gardens in Staff Housing, and still doesn't really show how extensive it is. They rotate their seasonal crops; and corn is often grown under the tarp to shield it from too much sun!
Our housekeeper, Rosemary, takes such good care of us, and also likes to garden. This is one row of green beans that she planted on the west side of the Guest House. They produced like crazy after she added a little fertilizer!! So, we enjoyed fresh beans for over a month, and even had enough to share with our neighbors!!
I think many different little critters like our area, too, as we often find strange creatures on our walls, floor, and windows!!! Can you identify this living creature??
It is called "a walking stick," and had attached itself to the wall near the beans!! By the time I got out to take its picture the sun had gone under a cloud or you would have had a much more difficult time identifying it because with the sun there was a shadow to confuse you!!
I have come to make peace with the huge spider that share my bedroom with me!! No picture, but they are mostly flat and it is like they are suctioned to the wall. They do not bite, but DO eat insects, so I leave them alone and they leave me alone!!!
Occasionally, I am reminded of the scorpions we saw during another VIM trip to Belize, Central America!! Nothing to be tampered with, and I felt fortunate that one of the children identified it and told us to stir clear of it!!!
What a magnificent God to have provided so many million kinds of species. And what a shame that so many have already become extinct. Let us make every day EARTH DAY as we treat it with tender loving care!! Thank you, God, for the great beauty and diversity all around us!!!